Welcome to Mentoring for Mentors
is a regular feature of today’s workplace, carried out on both a formal and
informal basis. It’s a useful tool in supporting targets such as leadership
development, promotion, talent development, staff induction, career
development, up-skilling and performance improvement.
In this course you will learn
what mentoring is and the benefits it can bring. You will also learn how to get
the best out of a mentoring relationship, including how to start and structure
it and how to bring it to a close when the time comes.

Is this course for me? This course is suitable for professionals of any level who are either mentoring or would like to facilitate a mentor-mentee relationship.

How will I benefit from this course? On completion of this course you will be able to:
- Define what mentoring is.
- Identify the phases of a mentoring relationship.
- Look at the tools for mentoring.
- Understand how to end the formal relationship.

How long will it take? This course should take you around 25 to complete.

How much does it cost? This course is free!

Will I get a certificate at the end? Yes - you will be able to download a certificate once you have have completed all of the modules within the course.

How do I start? Scroll to the top of the page and click on the Join course button. This will take you through to the course content. You don't need to complete the course in one go - you can always continue later from where you left off.

- Define what mentoring is.
- Identify the phases of a mentoring relationship.
- Look at the tools for mentoring.
- Understand how to end the formal relationship.