Our courses focus on strengthening the competencies of humanitarian professionals. Based on continuing education, our courses target mainly entry and mid-level professional in the humanitarian, development or social sector looking to develop their competencies with academic accreditation as well as reflect and capitalise on their experience.

Our courses provide in-depth training on humanitarian topics (see below) and are based on an innovative pedagogical model designed for adult education, in order to strengthen the practitioners’ competencies and apply the theoretical knowledge, developed during the courses, directly to their professional environment. 

Through interactive, dynamic and participative interdisciplinary approaches, students increase their capacity to develop effective humanitarian strategies, supporting the plight of populations affected by armed conflict, disasters or social exclusion.

You can select from a wide variety of courses in terms of length, discipline and format. Thematic priorities for our courses are developed in close consultation with the Centre’s academic and humanitarian partners, including the International Committee of the Red Cross and Médecins Sans Frontières.

Data Protection and Consent
This course was created and is administered by the Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies. By joining this course you are consenting the Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies being given access to your Kaya profile information, including your name and email address, so that they can provide the course. This may require them to contact you. Your data will be anonymized before it is used for any analysis or reporting purposes. If you have any questions about this, please email humanitarianstudies@unige.ch