Welcome to the Girl Shine Service Provider online training!
The training consists of four modules and is designed to be completed in a group setting. Participants will be able to further their understanding of adolescent girl responsive approaches to promote the provision of safe, appropriate and comprehensive services. This training will include printout resources, quizzes, and group reflection activities. There will also be some self-study required which includes reading and reflection activities. Group facilitators should first complete the self-study version of this training to familiarize themselves with the material.

Is this course for me?
The training has been designed
for GBV, CP and Health practitioners who provide services to adolescent girls.
And while there is a heavy focus on GBV content, it could support other service providers increase
their knowledge and skills in GBV approaches to providing services to
adolescent girls.

How will I benefit from this course? The objectives of the Service Provider training are:
- Understand what some of the barriers to care are for adolescent girls
- Strengthen communication techniques for working with girls
- Learn about adolescent girls right to sexual and reproductive health information and services
- Understand GBV case management approaches to working with adolescent girls, including related to early marriage.

How long will it take? This course should take you around 2-3 hours to complete.

How much does it cost? This course is free!

Will I get a certificate at the end? Yes - you will be able to download a completion certificate once you have completed all of the modules within the course.

How do I start? Scroll to the top of the page and click on the Join course button. This will take you through to the course content. You don't need to complete the course in one go - you can always continue later from where you left off.

The training has been designed for GBV, CP and Health practitioners who provide services to adolescent girls. And while there is a heavy focus on GBV content, it could support other service providers increase their knowledge and skills in GBV approaches to providing services to adolescent girls.

- Understand what some of the barriers to care are for adolescent girls
- Strengthen communication techniques for working with girls
- Learn about adolescent girls right to sexual and reproductive health information and services
- Understand GBV case management approaches to working with adolescent girls, including related to early marriage.

Data protection and consent
This course was created and is administered by the International Rescue Committee (IRC). By joining this course you are consenting to the IRC being given access to your Kaya profile information, including your name and email address, so that they can provide the course. This may require them to contact you. Your data will be anonymised before it is used for any analysis or reporting purposes. If you have any questions about this, please email Learning@rescue.org.