HOP Fundamentals is an open-access, self-paced programme of quality assured and interactive learning modules, curated by partner providers or created by Save the Children.
It is one of three levels of the HOP.

Is this course for me? Fundamentals is aimed at people beginning their career in the humanitarian sector or for those transitioning from the development sector. It is also aimed at individuals who have never received formal training on the essentials of humanitarian action, or for those wishing to ‘refresh’ their knowledge.

How will I benefit from this course? By completing Fundamentals, you will acquire essential knowledge on 7 different learning paths:
- Introduction and history of humanitarianism: begin to better understand the origins of humanitarian action
- Law, principles and approaches: an overview of frameworks and approaches governing humanitarian action
- Operations management: programming in emergency contexts - what to think about?
- Configuration and management of humanitarian responses: manage and evaluate humanitarian responses
- Cross-cutting themes: addressing important cross-cutting issues to consider in humanitarian action
- Support a response: skills to effectively support and coordinate humanitarian responses
- Technical skills: an overview of the different humanitarian technical sectors

How long will it take? We estimate that you will need about 40 hours to complete this programme as a whole. Your progress will be recorded automatically, and you can and you don't need to complete it in one go - you can always continue later from where you left off.

How much does it cost? This programme is free!

Will I get a certificate at the end? Yes - you will be able to download a certificate once you have have completed all of the modules within the programme.

How do I start? Scroll to the top of the page and click on the Join course button. This will take you through to the programme content.

- Introduction and history of humanitarianism: begin to better understand the origins of humanitarian action
- Law, principles and approaches: an overview of frameworks and approaches governing humanitarian action
- Operations management: programming in emergency contexts - what to think about?
- Configuration and management of humanitarian responses: manage and evaluate humanitarian responses
- Cross-cutting themes: addressing important cross-cutting issues to consider in humanitarian action
- Support a response: skills to effectively support and coordinate humanitarian responses
- Technical skills: an overview of the different humanitarian technical sectors

If you have any questions about the HOP, please email HOP@savethechildren.org.uk