Welcome to the Child Protection Competency Framework for Food Security actors, and associated resources.
This page will support Food Security actors to identify practical ways to strengthen the protection, wellbeing and safety of children in their day-to-day work, and to develop the required knowledge to implement these behaviours. 

A person with a thinking bubble
Is this page for me?
This page is for any actor working in the Food Security sector. The competency framework details behaviours:
  • for all actors in the Food Security sector
  • for actors in roles that involve direct contact with children
  • for actors in roles that involve managing or designing programmes
  • for actors in roles that involve strategic decisions or defining policies. 

A person with a lightbulb over their head
How will I benefit from this page?

The content on this page will help you to:

  • Understand the specific behaviours relevant to your role that will strengthen the protection, well-being and safety of children
  • Identify learning activities and resources that can improve your knowledge to support these behaviours.

A clock showing 15 minutes passing
How long will it take?
 Reviewing the competency framework should take you around 45-60 minutes. You can then select learning activities that are relevant, based on your role and your existing knowledge and skills. 
Three stacks of coins with a question mark on the top
How much does it cost?
 Access to this resource is free!

A certificate scroll with a rosette on it

Will I get a certificate at the end?

No. You are accessing a resource, not a course and for this reason there is no certificate available. 

The word START and a question mark in a circleHow do I start?
 Scroll to the top of the page and click on the   I agree - access resource    button. This will take you through to the resource. You don't need to complete the course in one go - you can always continue later from where you left off.

Data protection and consent

This resource was created and is administered by The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. By accessing this resource you are consenting to The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action being given access to your Kaya profile information, including your name and email address, so that they can provide the resource. This may require them to contact you. Your data will be anonymised before it is used for any analysis or reporting purposes. If you have any questions about this, please email learning@alliancecpha.org