Welcome to Engaging Communities for Collective Action!

A person with a thinking bubble

Is this course for me?

If you are currently working to advance positive social change by working with community partners and social systems then this course is for you! This course will support you to apply quality approaches and methods to foster community-led action.

Specifically, you will learn how to work with communities to:  
  1. Place local voices in the lead, especially those individuals most discriminated against and facing inequalities;
  2. Build on local strengths and support community agency to act, fostering community ownership;  
  3. Facilitate change in social structures, norms and institutional systems rather than short-term achievements;  
  4. Address the underlying issues attributing to poor social, behavioural and development outcomes;
  5. Improve social accountability through community members’ awareness of their right to decent treatment and services and strengthen their ability to claim this right. 

This course is also available in French.

A person with a lightbulb over their head

How will I benefit from this course?

The eight (8) Learning Modules and accompanying learning activities, key reading and tools will enable you to work with communities to: 
1. Develop an understanding of, and commitment to, applying the principles and methods of participatory community-led development, including how sound community mobilization approaches can foster positive social and behaviour change;
2. Develop methods, apply tested tools, and participatory skills to facilitate the Community Action Cycle process, and other related community-led approaches, to help communities achieve their envisioned goals;
3. Learn key definitions related to community collective action, including defining ‘community’; community capacity, community-led development and Social and Behaviour Change; 
4. Monitor and measure community-led collective action, the mobilization processes and community capacity outcomes.

A clock showing 15 minutes passing

How long will it take?

The Foundations Module, 45 minutes in length, can be accessed for those learners who would prefer a general overview to community-led action and the integration of social and behaviour change practice.

The total course length is at least 4-5 hours. Optional content is provided as Key Readings, Tools and Case Studies, these are available for each module and can be downloaded for your files. We encourage you to return to this course at any time and review these materials. Your progress is automatically saved so you can return at any time.
Three stacks of coins with a question mark on the top

How much does it cost?

This course is free!
A certificate scroll with a rosette on it

Will I get a certificate at the end?

Yes - you will be able to download a certificate once you have completed all of the modules within the course.
The word START and a question mark in a circle

How do I start?

Scroll to the top of the page and click on the       Join course       button. This will take you through to the course content. You don't need to complete the course in one go - you can always continue later from where you left off.

Data protection 
This course was created by Save the Children in partnership with the Humanitarian Leadership Academy who monitor use of this course to ensure it is fit for purpose. This means that staff members in the Save the Children and the Humanitarian Leadership Academy will be able to see the name you use on Kaya and any professional information you have given us. All this data will be anonymised before it is used for any analysis or reporting. 
If you have any questions about this course, please email digitallearning@savethechildren.org.uk